

Harold Veen, Switserland

Harold Veen has a broad experience providing surgical care in low resource settings and is currently chief surgeon at International Committee of the Red Cross, Geneve, Switserland. He will present:

'Requirements for surgeons in humanitarian response'

What is the reality of working in a conflict zone or in the aftermath of a natural disaster? One has to deal with unusual pathology, requiring different techniques under difficult circumstances, with limited resources, security constraints, without referral possibilities. Ethical dilemmas and challenging media contacts add to the burden. At the same time, quality demands are increasing.

How to deliver a wide range of up to date quality care? What kind of preparation is available? A short overview and reality check will be given

Video: Surgery in Darfur

Some edited rushes for a documentary filmed for the ICRC and aired on CNN - it received the award for "Best Medical Report" on their "World Report" in 2006. A team of international surgeons and doctors perform major surgery in the field in northern Darfur, Sudan. Here, they operate in a goat shed on an SLA fighter who has a broken leg from a bullet wound and a young boy who was injured when a grenade exploded in his hand.

Filmed in 4:3 on DVCPRO (PAL).
Filmed and directed by Johnny Saunderson
Duration: 3m 02s
Language: English