

Tom Gresnigt, the Netherlands

Tom Gresnigt is a 28 years old Doctor International Health and Tropical Medicine. He is currently completing the clinical part of the programme and will finish his specialisation in 2015. Together with Daphne Voorend and Loïc de Jongh, both Doctors International Health and Tropical Medicine, he currently manages Consult Online.

Consult Online

Consult online is a digital consultancysystem for Dutch tropical doctors working abroad. It was founded in 2008 by the 'association for Dutch tropical doctors in training' (TROIE) to provide doctors working abroad the opportunity to discuss patients with Dutch specialist. Trough our website ( local doctors can consult more than 50 experts in 20 different fields. Practically all specialists have experience in low resource settings, which enables them to give relevant and applicable advice.

In the first 5 years Consult Online received 284 consultations from all around the globe. 59 of these consultations were sent to the (trauma)surgeons and/or orthopaedists.

One of our team members will present a couple of interesting surgical cases received over the past few years.