Appendix II: Study characteristics for individually reviewed studies

YEAR FIRST AUTHOR JOURNAL Recruitment period Study design Total n pt Total n CDT Inclusion criteria Exclusion criteria
1992 LeBlang J Vasc Interv Radiol 1987-1991 Retrospective Cohort 111 132 occlusions treated with low-dose UK upper body arterial and venous oclcusions, high-dose UK infusions, after PTA, intra-operative UK, images unavailable
1992 Buckenham Eur J Vasc Surg NR Prospective Cohort 20 24 severe claudication or limb-threatening ischaemia NR
1991 Goffette Acta Radiologica NR Retrospective Cohort 52 31 acute limb ischemia NR
1991 Berridge Br J Surg 1988-1989 RCT 60 40 all patient eligible for trombolysis minus exclusion criteria childbearing potential, recent major trauma or surgery, known bleeding diathese, added risk of bleeding, CVA within previous 2 months, unmilling or unables to give fully informed consent, proximal arterial emboli of <2 days duration, arterial trombosis causing sever inschemia with good run-off
1991 Parent J Cardiovasc Surg (Torino) 1986-1988 Retrospective Cohort 33 40 acute lower limb ischemia due to a thrombotic or embolic event involving native artery or bypass graft individuals with clinical findings which mandated immediate operative intervention, hemodialysis grafts, upper extremity ischemia
1991 McNamara Circulation 1981-1988 Retrospective Cohort 63 72 < 7-day history of the sudden onset of such ischemic symptoms as coldness, pain, and pallor; in addition, there must have been persistent physical findings of ischemia at the time of admission (asymmetrical pallor and coolness affected limb.) upper-extremity, visceral, and dialysis access fistula occlusions. occlusions > 7 days’ duration.
1991 Sullivan Circulation NR Prospective Cohort 37 32 angiographic demonstration of graftocclusion,the ability of the patien ttotoleratea period of ischemia during the infusion, and the absence of contraindications to lytic therapy. stroke or TIA in last 6 months; major abdominal, thoracic, or neurological surgery in last 2 months; evidence of irreversible limb ischemia; recent gastrointestinal bleeding; or echocardiographic evidenceof left ventricular thrombus.
1991 Cragg Radiology NR RCT 63 72 chronic ischemia: abiity to raverse the occluded artery/graft with guidewire and abscence of contraindications. Acute: tolerate 24-48 hours of limb ishemia during infusion Contraindications: active bleeding, CNS disease, recent major surgery
1991 Gaston Kans Med 1989-1990 Retrospective Cohort 23 23 ischemic leg or impending ischemie NR
1990 Meyerovitz Radiology NR RCT 32 32 angiographically documented peripheral arterial or bypass graft occlussion, <90 days active internal bleeding within 3 weeks, recent (1yr) CVA, intracranial or intraspinal surgery or intracranial neoplasm, internal surgery or organ biopsy within 10 days, open heart surgery within 3 weeks, +occult blood on stool examination, severe impairment of hepatic function or diabetic hemorrhagic retinopathy and pregnancy or lactation.
1990 Berridge Br J Surg NR Prospective Cohort 28 30 all patients with history of a sudden detoriation in or onset of lower limb ischemia up up to 30 days, informed consent embolus< 2 days old, severe arterial ischemia, active or recent bleedig in the last month, blood dyscrasias, active peptic ulceration, stroke within last 2 months, recent trauma or major surgery
1989 Earnshaw Ann Vasc Surg NR Prospective Cohort 23 23 Not specified NR
1989 Hirshberg J Vasc Surg 1983-1988 Prospective Cohort 26 26 acutelimb-threathening ischemia due to occlusion of an therosclerotic artery or graft embolus in healthy arterial tree, obvious irreversible ischemic changes, requirement fir immediate operative intervention, contraindications for trombolysis (recent visceral bleeding,arterial cathetirzation within 4 weeks, or vascular operation within 6 weeks)
1989 Durham Radiology 1984-1987 Retrospective Cohort 53 71 all patients treated with urokinsa for lower extremity graft trombosis native arterial occlusion or embolic occlusions, or streptokinase in combination with urokinase
1989 Sullivan Radiology 1986-1988 Prospective Cohort 49 58 severe claudication or limb-threathening ischemia intracardica thrombus, recent surgery, active gastrointestina or internal bleeding, recent intracranial, intraspinal or intraocular surgery, recent CVA or TIA or signs of irreversible ischemia
1986 Risius Radiology NR Prospective Cohort 25 23 acute lower extremity ischemia bleeding diathesis, intracranial process (aneurysms, AVM, mass lesion, hemorrhage, ischemic infarction), internal bleeding within 4 weeks, major intrathoracic or intraabdominal surgery within oreceding 3 weeks, significant hepatic diseasem platelet count <70,000 mm3 or pregnancy
1988 Earnshaw Br J Surg NR Prospective Cohort 23 21 limb-threathening peripheral arterial ischemia < 1month high risk of bleeding or stroke in previous 2 months
1987 Fiessinger Int Angiol NR Prospective Cohort 35 35 NR NR
1995 Braithwaite Br J Surg NR Prospective Cohort 89 89 acute limb ischemia NR
1995 Braithwaite Clin Radiol 1992-1993 Prospective Cohort 43 44 acute lower ischemia NR
1995 Hicken Can J Surg 1993-1994 Prospective Cohort 25 26 signs of critical ischemia, a history of acute onset of rest or night pain, sudden onset of crippling claudication or evidence of embolus from a distant area, urgent treatment immediate surgical intervention neededn, if the limb was noglonger viable. active internal bleeding, history or stroke within previous 2 months, bleeding diatheses, recent surgery (<1o days), intracranbial neoplasm, AVM or aneurysm, uncontrolled hypertension, recent traumatic cardiopulmanary resuscitation, previous anaphylactic reaction to urokinase.
1995 Huettl Radiology 1991-1993 Retrospective Cohort 45 45 arterial occlusion of the lower extremity due to an emboli NR
1995 Bero J Vasc Interv Radiol 1991-1992 Prospective Cohort 20 21 all patiets eglible for trobolytic therapy symptoms > 120 days, active iternal bleeding,history of recent CVA, intracranal or intraspinal surgery or trama within 3 months, intracranial mass, bleeding diathesis, sever uncotroleed hypertension, pregnancy, inabilty to undergo surgery, irreversible ischemia
1995 Chalmers Cardiovasc Surg NR Prospective Cohort 63 70 NR NR
1994 Hye J Vasc Surg 1988-1993 Retrospective Cohort 31 40 infrainguinal bypass graft occluded within the past 90 days, no immediate limb threat or evidence of graft infection conttaindication to thrombolytic therapy or anti- coagulation (recent trauma or surgery, gastrointesti- nal bleeding, known intracranial disease)
1994 Ouriel Radiology 1989-1993 Retrospective Cohort 103 103 symptomatic peripheral arterial occlusion, < 14 days NR
1994 Varga J Vasc Surg 1989-1993 Prospective Cohort 23 23 poplitea aeurysm, acute limb ischemia NR
1994 Ward Arch Surg. NR Prospective Cohort 45 50 ability to cross the occlusion contraindications for trombolysis (occult bleeding, recent stroke <1 yr, recent surgery < 1wk, severe ischemia with motor impairment)
1994 STILE Investigators Ann Surg NR RCT 393 249 18 -90 years, signs or symptoms of worsening limb ischemia within the past 6 months who required intervention, angiographically documented nonembolic arterial or bypass graft occlusion Patients with infected peripheral arterial bypass graft occlusions, previously enrolled in this trial, acute embolic occlusion, Active, internal bleeding, History of any cerebrovascular accident or any intracranial bleeding, History of any transient ischemic attack (unless post-TIA CT scan normal) Recent (within 2 mos) intracranial or intraspinal surgery or trauma. Any central nervous system neoplasm, arteriovenous malformation, or aneurysm. Known severe bleeding diathesis. Current severe uncontrolled hypertension (systolic > 180 mm Hg and/or diastolic > 1 10 mm Hg on repeated readings). Known or suspected pregnancy or child bearing potential
Recent (<3 mos) eye surgery. Inability to undergo surgical procedure, e.g., contraindication to anesthesia, severe cardiac disease, etc. Recent puncture (within 10 days) of noncompressible vessel. Participation in another research protocol within the last 30 days
1994 Faggioli J Vasc Surg NR Retrospective Cohort 122 134 patients treated with intraarterial UK for lower limb ischemia NR
1993 Bull Acta Chir Belg NR Prospective Cohort 38 34 occluded arterial below-knee grafts graft failures within first 30 days of original operation
1994 Ouriel J Vasc Surg 1989-1992 RCT 114 57 >18 years, acute limb ischemia <7 days mural trombus by echocardiography, contraindication for trombolytic therapy: major procedure within 14 days, active peptic ulcer, intracranial neoplasmn history of cva. contraindication for surgery, irreversible ischemia, contraindication for angiography or allergy for contrast agent
1993 Enon Ann Vasc Surg 1987-1991 Prospective Cohort 19 20 sever subacte ischemia, bypass grafts requiring immediate surgery
1993 Kandarpa Radiology 1990-1992 RCT 25 25 >18 years, lower extremity trombotic or embolic occlusions, < 30 days ireversible ischemia, active internal bleeding within past 3 wks, CVA < 1 yr, intracranial neoplasm or surgery < 2 months, open heart surgery < 3 wks, severe impairment hepatic function, sever uncontrolled hypertension, recent trauma or cardiopulmonary resuscitation, history of emboli of cardac source, subacte bacterial endocarditis, severe coagulopathy, diabetic hemorrhagic retinopathy, lactating female, pregnancy or unexplained amenorrhea, inability to cross teh entire trombus
1993 Earnshaw Br J Surg 1990-1991 Prospective Cohort 23 23 acute limb-threathening ischemia NR
1993 Spengel Clin Investig NR Prospective Cohort 46 53 NR NR
1993 DeMaioribus J Vasc Surg 1981-1991 Retrospective Cohort 77 76 clinically occluded lower extremity arteryf or graft and an ischemic but viable lib impending limb loss (neurologic dysfunction or compartment syndrome), recent stroke, known intracranial disease, recent surgery (< 10 days), or active peptic ulcer disease
1995 Ikeda Int Surg 1989-1991 Prospective Cohort 32 46 acte or subacte, <30 days, trombosis of synthetic vascular grafts imminent tissue loss, stroke or active GI bleeding within 4 weeks, coagulopathy or CNS tumor
1996 Ouriel J Vasc Surg 02/1993-08/1993 RCT 213 155 acute lower-extremity peripheral arterial occlusion, ClassII ischemia, <14 days Profound ischemia with permanent motor paresis or sensory loss, Uncontrolled hypertension, systolic -> 180, diastolic -> 110 mm Hg , Stroke within 6 months, transient ischemic attack within 2 months, Significant internal hemorrhage within 10 days. Serious gastrointestinal hemorrhage within 14 days. Biopsy of organs, puncture of incompressible vessel within 14 days. Severe hepatic dysfunction. Life expectancy less than 1 year
1996 Bhatnagar J Cardiovasc Surg (Torino) 1989-1993 Retrospective Cohort 55 81 acute onset of limb threathening ischemia or disabling claudication recent history of GI-bleeding (within 6 months), recent stroke (within last 6 months), abdominal, chest or neurological surgery within 3 weeks, coagulopathy or CNS tumor
1995 Knorring Ann Chir Gynaecol 1992-1997 Prospective Cohort 65 68 acute on chronic limb ischemia NR
1996 Hess Eur J Vasc Endovasc Surg NR Prospective Cohort 288 336 NR NR
1996 Singh Int Angiol 1988-1993 Retrospective Cohort 82 54 sudden recent onset of the symptoms and signs of arterial insufficency, max duration 3 weeks. NR
1995 McNamara J Vasc Interv Radiol 1981-1994 Retrospective Cohort 160 186 sudden onset of coldness, pallor and pain, pulselesness, < 7 days NR
1996 Schweizer Eur.J.Radiol. 1993-1995 RCT 120 120 occlusions femoral, popliteal or biarterial trunk NR
1996 Duda J Vasc Interv Radiol 1992-1994 Retrospective Cohort 40 20 symptoms of lower limb arterial occlusions, < 45  days NR
1996 Braithwaite Br J Surg 1993-1995 Prospective Cohort 75 44 sudden onset of acute arterial occlusion, with an obvious source source of embolus and no previuous history of peripheral vascular disease NR
1997 Byrne Virginia medical quarterly 1987-1991 Retrospective Cohort 57 57 acute ischemia, based on clinical judgement surgeon. contraindication trombolysis (active bleeding, CNS disease, recent surgery)
1997 Armon Br J Surg 1992-1996 Prospective Cohort 100 100 acute limb ischemia contraindication ttrombolysis
1997 Braithwaite Br J Surg NR RCT 100 93 >18 years, sudden onset of unilateral leg ischemia, <30 days symptoms redet history of stroke, bleeeding diasthess, pregnancy or childbearing age
1997 Payelle Ann Vasc Surg 1987-1993 Prospective Cohort 45 58 occluded lower limb bypass grafts
1997 Spence AJR Am J Roentgenol 1990-1996 Prospective Cohort 52 52 symptoms of grafts occlusions or evicence of grafts occlusions contraindications for thrombolysis or systemic heparimaztion
1997 Matas Ann Vasc Surg 1988-1992 Prospective Cohort 47 49 clinical and angiographic signs of arterial occlusion < 1,5 months, no doubt on viability, minimaal or no motor dysfuncion, no contraindications absolute:active internal bleeding, recent CVA < 3months,recent major trauma, >75 years, severe or uncontrolled hypertension
1997 Rickard Cardiovasc Surg 1992-1995 Retrospective Cohort 37 45 acute lower limb ischemia
1998 Braithwaite Br J Surg 1991-1995 Retrospective Cohort 84 43 sudden deterioration in the circulation causing ischaemic pain at rest of less than 14 days duration. >75yrs NR
1998 Ouriel N Engl J Med 1993-1994 RCT 548 272 acute thrombotic or embolic occlusion of a leg (native or bypass graft), < 14 days, >17 years pregnant women
1998 Wholey Cathet Cardiovasc Diagn NR Retrospective Cohort 237 237 sudden onset of aspymtomatic extremity or sudden onset superimposed chronic ischemic symptoms NR
1999 Lambert Eur J Vasc Endovasc Surg 1992-1996 Retrospective and Prospective Cohort 102 102 lower limb ischemia NR
1999 Suggs Am J Surg 1995-1998 Prospective Cohort 57 60 acute arterial occlusions, <14 days, reversible IIA-III NR
1999 Ouriel J Vasc Interv Radiol 1997-1998 RCT 241 241 peripheral arterial occlusion, < 14 days, acceptable severity, min age 18 yrs, arteriographically confirmed contraindication for thrombolytic therapy, irrevericle ischemia (cat III), oclusion not penetrable by guide wire, sevre uncontrollable hypertension, history of CVA < 6 months, GI bleeding, major surgery, endovascular procedures, PTCA < 14 days, positive pregnancy test, intracranial pathology, endocarditis, grade III/IV hemorhaggic retinopathy, severe renal or hepatic dysfunction, Received Tieled < 14 days, Reopro < 10 days, Glucophage < 48 hours, allergy for contrast agent or heparin, inherited or acquired bleeding diastehesis, life exoectancy < 30 days
1999 Oguni Radiat Med 1990-1997 Retrospective Cohort 36 25 acute peripheral arterial occlusions of extremities NR
2000 Kröger Angiology 1992-1997 Retrospective Cohort 323 323 patients treated intraarterial rt-PA NR
2000 Schweizer Angiology 1997-1998 RCT 84 84 18-80, PAOD III/IV upper or lower leg, confirmation of peripheral arterial thrombosis Patients with serious underlying illness limiting life expectancyto less than 1 year, a history of pelvic arterial stenoses, abdominal aortic aneurysms, hematologic or bleeding disorders, liver cirrhosis, underlying neoplastic disease, established intracardial thromboses, cardiac insufficiency(NYHA III and IV), thrombocytopenia, serious ar-terial hypertension (systolic blood pressure [SBP]> 180 mm Hg; diastolic values > 95 mm Hg),contraindications for heparin or coumarin treat-ment, or pregnancy
2001 Swischuk J Vasc Interv Radiol 1999 Retrospective Cohort 70 74 angiographically proven acute native or bypass graft occlussions of the lower limb NR
2001 Korn J Vasc Surg 1992-1998 Retrospective Cohort 87 100 trombolysis for lower extrimity native artery ischemia NR
2001 Haumer Thromb Res 1999-2000 Prospective Cohort 26 32 acute or subacute occlusions of infraguinal native vessels or bypass grafts, < 3months severe impairment of renal or liver function, a history of severe bleeding, or a platelet count < 100,000/ml and women with childbearing potential
2001 Duda Radiology 1998-1999 RCT 70 70 peripheral arterial occlusions 6 weeks or less in either the iliac or femoropopliteal vessel, 18-90 years. acute limb-threatening ischemia requiring immediate action and restoration of flow within 1 hour; female patient with childbearing potential; recent major trauma, including resuscitation or active internal bleeding (eg, gastrointestinal or genitourinary); known severe hepatic or renal disorder, history of bleeding diathesis or platelet count less than 10 3 109 /L per; known autoimmune disorders; recent (within 2 weeks) thrombolysis; inclusion in another clinical trial; prior inclusion in the current trial; contraindication or known allergic reactions to abciximab or contraindication to urokinase, heparin, or aspirin
2001 Schwierz Ann Vasc Surg 1988-1997 Retrospective Cohort 225 82 bypass thombosis NR
2001 Mahler J Endovasc Ther NR RCT 234 234 any age, with angiographically documented thormbotic or embolic arterial occlusions masuring between 5-40cm thombi > 6 months, emboli > 6 wks, participation in another clinical trial,known bleeding disorders, recent surgery, head injury or cerebralvascular events during the last 6-12 months, uncontrolled hypertension or other bleeding disorders
2002 Castaneda J Vasc Interv Radiol NR Prospective Cohort 87 101 acute lower extirmity ischemia major surgery or trauma in prevous 2 weeks, stroke previous year, severe hypertension, GI-bleeding within previous year, pregnancy, nonviable limb or hemorrhagic diasthesis
2003 Nehler J Vasc Surg 1988-2001 Retrospective Cohort 104 109 lower extremity arterial bypass occlussion, <14 days NR
2003 Holten J Endovasc Ther 1998-1999 Prospective Cohort 32 32 acute or subacute lower limb prosthetic bypass grafts, < 14 days, class I, IIa Rutherford IIb and III (irreversible limb ischemia), chronic occlusion (. 14 days), stroke or transient ischemic attack within a 3-month period prior to treatment, known intracranial aneurysm, active gastrointestinal bleeding, and severe hypertension.
2003 Conrad J Vasc Surg 1987-1998 Retrospective Cohort 67 69 acutely occluded infrainguinal arterial bypass grafts (48 vein grafts, 21 prosthetic grafts) underwent treatment with catheter-directed thrombolysis with urokinase. irreversible limb ischemia or significant comorbid conditions. stroke or gastrointestinal hemor-rhage in the previous 3 months; abdominal, intracranial, or chest surgery in the previous 60 days; or history of intracra-nial tumor underwent surgery with graft thrombectomy or revision, placement of a new graft, amputation, or observation
2003 Tsetis J Endovasc Ther NR Prospective Cohort 34 34 signs and symptoms of acute lower limb ischemia of, 30 days’ duration Thrombotic occlusions in the upper extremi-ties, visceral vessels, or peripheral bypass grafts
2004 Allie J Endovasc Ther 1999-2002 Retrospective Cohort 48 48 acute lower limb ischemia, receiving Tenecteplase (TNK) NR
2004 Breukinks Ann Vasc Surg 1986-2000 Retrospective Cohort 129 129 clinically based and depended on acute signs of disabling claudi-cation or an acute onset of limb-threatening ischemia arterial emboli and lower limb ischemia
2005 Hanover Ann Vasc Surg 2000-2004 Retrospective Cohort 81 81 treated with reteplase for peripheral arterial occlusive disease NR
2006 Plate Eur J Vasc Endovasc Surg NR RCT 121 119 sudden onset of unilateral lower limb ischaemia within 30 days and angiographic evidence of thrombo-embolic occlusion distal to the aortic bifur-cation in whom a guide-wire could be passed at least 5 cm into the thrombus were evaluated major surgery<10 days, Haematuria< 10 days,Gastrointestinal bleeding<10 days, Stroke<3 months,Coagulopathy, Pregnancy, Brain tumour, Malignant hypertension, Dacron prosthesis implanted< 3 months,Graft infection, Irreversible or profound ischaemia, Contrast allergy, Life-expectancy<30 days, Age> 18 years, Non-cooperative patient
2006 Tepe Radiology 2001-2003 RCT 120 120 peripheral arterial occlusions, < 60 days,18-90 yrs requiting immediate action and restoratio of flow within 1 hour, recnet major trauma, surgery, GI-bleeding or genitourinayr bleeding < 60 days, history of bledding diathesis,recent stroke, or malignacy with knw metastasis in teh brain
2007 Wissgot J Endovasc Ther 2005-2006 Prospective Cohort 25 25 symptoms of Rutherford I and IIb, leg ischemia, < 14 days, occlusion lenght < 70 cm, angiograhic evidence of at least 1 run off vessel or collateral supplying the foot known or suspected cardiac source of occlusion,bilateral, extension of teh thrmbus in the aorta, angiographic evidence of dissection, inability to cross occlusion with guide wire.
2007 Geier Vasa 1996-2005 Retrospective Cohort 82 82 lower limb ischemia severe ischemia that immediate restoration of blood flow was necessary
2008 Disini Clin Radiol 2001-2005 Retrospective Cohort 39 39 lower limb vessel occlusion, native artery or bypass grafts arteriovenous fistula for hemodialyses or and intra-arterial stent
2010 Han J Vasc Surg 2005-2007 RCT 402 402 > 18 yrs, acute lower extrimity ischemia, < 14 days, class I, IIa, need for surgical intervention in the ecvent of unsuccessfull thrombolysis, available for follow up. Contraindication to systemic anticoagulation. History of endovascular procedure or open vascular surgery on the index limb within the last 30 days. History of significant acute or chronic kidney disease that would have precluded contrast angiography. Known allergy to contrast agents .History of heparin-induced thrombocytopenia. Participation in a study of an investigational device or agent within 30 days prior to randomization. Any thrombolytic therapy within 30 days (HA004) or 5 days (HA007) prior to randomization. Past participation in an alfimeprase clinical trial. Women who were pregnant, lactating, or not using adequate contraception. Investigator inability to advance guidewire through index occlusion Also in HA004: History of hypersensitivity to aspirin. Uncontrolled hypertension at baseline (SBP 180 mm Hg, DBP 110 mm Hg) . Hematocrit< 30% (if not actively bleeding could be entered if transfused to> 30%) . Platelet count <100.10^9 /L . Medically unable to withstand an open vascular surgical procedure DBP,Diastolic blood pressure;PAO,peripheral arterial occlusion;SBP,systolic blood pressure;SVS/ISCVS, Society of Vascular Surgery/International Society for Cardiovascular Surgery. JOURNAL OF VASCULAR SURGERY Volume 51, Number 3Han e
2011 Kuoppala J Thromb Thrombolysis 2001-2005 Retrospective Cohort 195 218 patients subjected to intra-arterial thrombolytic therapy for lower lomb ischemia NR
2011 Kashyap J Vasc Surg 2005-2007 Retrospective Cohort 119 129 acute limb ischemia NR
2011 Lokse Eur J Vasc Endovasc Surg 2000-2006 Retrospective Cohort 212 212 patients who received primary thrombolysis initial surgery, transitiomal patients passing thorugh the cathment area.
2011 Kuhn AJR Am J Roentgenol 2000-2006 Retrospective Cohort 129 129 patient with clinical signs of acute or semi-acute arterial occlusions hemrrhagic diathesis,uncontrolled hypertension, acute GI ulcer, cerebral concussion or contusion < 4 wks, known malignancy, and thoracic, cerebral, or ajor abdominal surgery withing preceding 6 wks
2012 Schrijver Cardiovasc Intervent Radiol 2008-2009 Prospective Cohort 21 21 adult patients, tromboembolic occlusions, of native artery or bypass grafts, of the aortofemoral area, < 1 week Class 2B, patients with antiplatelet therapy, anticoagulant or thrombolytic therapy, patients with recent ischemic stroke or cerebral hemorrhage (< 6 wks), patients with recent surgery (<6 wks), sever hypertension,current malgnancy, life-threathening reaction to contrast agenst, uncorrected bleeding disorders, women with childbearing potential not taking adequate contraceptives, currently breatsfeeding or pregnansy
2011 Koraen J Vasc Surg 2001-2008 Retrospective Cohort 123 123 acute bypass grafts occlusion in the lower limb NR
2011 Limtungturakul J Med Assoc Thai 2005-2010 Retrospective Cohort 66 66 patients with acute limb ischemia who underwent catheter deriverd thrombolysis NR
2011 Schrijver J Cardiovasc Surg (Torino) 2008-2011 Retrospective Cohort 57 62 adult patients with lower extremity due to tromboembolic occlusion,native or bypass grafts, aortocrural area outside aortocrural area, viably threathened limb (IIb or higher)
2012 Chen Chin Med J (Engl) 2008-2009 Prospective Cohort 44 44 acute lower limb threathening ischemia < 14 days or less that was not immediately threathening,chronic lower limb ischemia within the previous 3 months for which surgical or endovascular therapy was not available or appropriate acute limb ischemia with embolectomy or bypass surgery < 2 wks, atria; fibrilliation or cardiac arrhytmias, mural thrombus visualized by echocardiography, CVA < 2months, active bleeding diathesis, hepatic failure, non-correctable coagulopathy, thrombocytopenia, allergy to UK, heparin or contrast, recent GI or gemitourinayr bleeding < 10 d, neurologic surgery < 3 months, intracranial trauma < 3 months, cardiopulmonay resuscitation < 10 d, major surgery < 10 d, uncontroleeds hypertension, recent eye surgery, pregnancy, intracranial tumor
2012 Marder J Thromb Haemost 2007-2010 Prospective Cohort 83 83 age >18 years, < 14 days of unilateral lower extremity ischemia, symptomatic category I or IIa, thrombosed (non-embolic) infrainguinal graft (synthetic, autologous, or single outflow composite) or native artery occlusion (occlusions of > 10 cm in length), angiographic confirmation, and guidewire traversal of the occlusion.
2013 Yuan Thorac Cardiovasc Surg 2006-2011 RCT 103 103 18-80, subacute or chromic symptoms of rutherford category, angioghrapically confirmed vascular occlussion of a native artery or grafts, an dat least one patent vessel or collaterals supplying the foot clinical disease that might interfere with completion of the study, cardiopulmonary resuscitation <10 days, previous systemic or anaphylactoid allergy to contrast agent, prior hemorrhagic or ischemic stroke, TIA< 1 year, surgery or major trauma within 10 days, active gastrointestinal (GI) or organ bleeding, systolic blood pressure of > 180 mmHg or diastolic blood pressure of > 110 mmHg, current bleeding diathesis, active GI or organ bleeding, platelet count of < 75 · 109 L)1, graft occlusion < 6 months of placement, baseline creatinine of > 2.0 mg dL )1 or current renal dialysis, treatment with a glycoprotein IIb–IIIa class of platelet inhibiton < 5 days, warfarin treatment with an uncorrected INR> 1.7,medicalillness precluding an open vascular procedure, or a renal contraindication to contrast angiography.
2013 Falkowski Eur J Vasc Endovasc Surg 2009-2012 Prospective Cohort 97 97 acute limb ischemia, < 14d, below the inguinal ligament, > 18 years, succesfull passage of guidewire throuhg occluded segment pregnanyt women or likely to be pregnant. active bleeding, GI bleeding, gematuria < 10 days, Stroke or TIA <2 months, neurosurgery or intracranial trauma < 3months, uncontrolled hypertension, brain tumor, intracranial malformation or aneurysm, cardioplulmonary resuscitation or major surgery or trauma < 10 days, recent eye surgery, coagulopathy, graft infection, pregnancy, uncooperative patient
2013 Skeik Vasc Endovascular Surg 2010-2012 Retrospective Cohort 79 85 patients with acute lower limb ischemia treated with rtPA conditions that may affect fibrinogen level or may interfere sig-nificantly with coagulation, such as chronic or acute kidney or liver disease, afibrinogenemia, dysfibrinogenemia, malnutrition,or disseminated intravascular coagulation, signs of kidney or liver disease including GFR< 60 mL/min/1.73m2 or alanine aminotransferase or aspartate aminotransferasen > 2 the limits
2013 Wongwanit J Med Assoc Thai 2006-2011 Retrospective Cohort 37 37 acute lower limb ischemia with viable or marginally threathened (I, IIa), < 3 months active bleeding diathesis,intracranial hemorrhage or tumor, neurosurgery < 3 months, intracranial trauma < 3m, CVA , TIA< 2 m, recent GI-bleeding 9<10d), recent eye surgery, signs of irreversible limb ischemia, presence or development of compartment syndrome
2014 Vakhitov Ann Vasc Surg 2002-2011 Retrospective Cohort 144 149 symptoms or signs of category I-IIb acute limb ischemia presenting with angiographic evidence of native artery or bypass graft thrombolysis progressive sensorimotot chamges, clinically or radiologically identified embolic events or contrindications for thrombolysis, unsuccefull passage of guidewire or catheter introduction
2013 Hundt Eur.J.Radiol. 2007-2012 Retrospective Cohort 141 141 acute or subacute fempopliteal bypass occlusion. stage I-IIb, safe intraluminal passage no intaluminal guidewire passage possible
2015 Silverberg Vascular 2009-2012 Retrospective Cohort 147 122 acute limb ischemia and malignancy, currently being treated history of cancer, not currently being treated or treatment > 6 months prior admission
2014 Grip Br J Surg 2001-2012 Retrospective Cohort 644 673 All patients who received intra-arterial thrombolytic ther-apy for lower limb ischaemia, with occlusions below the abdominal aorta. NR
2015 Taha J Vasc Surg 2005-2011 Retrospective Cohort 147 154 all patients with lower extremity acute limb ischemia, embolus or thrombosis of a native artery, bypass grafts, or previous stent blue toe syndrome and acute6 ischemia syndrome to trauma or dissection
2014 Ebben Eur J Vasc Endovasc Surg 2004-2013 Retrospective Cohort 171 171 all patients who underwent thrombolysis for trombo-embolic occlusions of native arteries or bypass grafts distal of teh aortic bifurcation active internal bleeding, recent surgery or trauma (<10 days),recent peptic ulcer or GI bleeding (< 1months), esophagel varices (<3 months), intracranial hemorrhage, intracranial tumor,malformation oraneurysm, recent cardiopulmonary resuscitation, thrombocytopenia, coagulation disorders
2015 Lurie J Vasc Surg 2009-2012 Retrospective Cohort 205 84 nonembolic ALI,< 14 days elective treatment, did not undergo ivassive treatment
2015 Schrijver J Endovasc Ther NR RCT 67 60 Patients with recently (7–49 days) thrombosed infrain -guinal native arteries or bypass grafts presenting with acute limb ischemia (Rutherford acute category I and IIa ) were eligible for randomization. isolated common femoral artery (CFA) thrombosis including the ori -gin of the superficial femoral artery (SFA) and deep femoral artery (DFA); localized (<5 cm) femoropopliteal emboli or occlusions; acute ischemia due to thrombosis of the infrainguinal native arteries or bypass grafts <7 or >49 days before treatment; acute lower limb ischemia Rutherford class IIb and III; contraindication to antiplatelet therapy, anticoagulants, or thrombolytic drugs; recent (<6 weeks) ischemic stroke or cerebral bleeding; recent (<6 weeks) surgery; severe hypertension (>110 mmHg diastolic, >200 mmHg systolic blood pressure); current malignancy; history of prior life-threatening reaction to contrast medium; uncorrected bleeding disorders; women with child-bearing potential not taking adequate contraceptives, current breastfeeding;
2015 Schrijver Ann Vasc Surg 2006-2009 Retrospective Cohort 149 149 (semi)acute (<28 days) occlussions of lower extrimity native arteries and prosthetic bypass grafts with acute ischemia class I, IIa, IIb NR